Ideal Weight vs. Healthy Thought Process

I can't tell you how many  women I have conversations with that have an ideal weight in mind and they feel that if and when they accomplish that weight they will be truly happy!

I have been there too. I have worked and worked to accomplish this ideal weight this certain number that if I could just see on the scale I knew it would fix all my anxieties. Well, I finally hit that number and I was far from happy and confident. 

Once I hit that number I was even more miserable. I STILL didn't look the way I wanted to look. I wanted more changes to my body to happen. I found other trouble zones and other things to fix. It was a bottomless pit of  frustration. No matter how hard I worked I never found satisfaction or peace. 

Each time I acquire a new client they tell me that they weighed X amount at there wedding or in high school or college and they cant be happy until they see that weight again on the scale. Im sure you have heard these things said before or said them yourself. Its such a trap. And to find true joy in your journey towards health you have to draw a line in cement and say,

"I will no longer set goals around my weight, I will set goals around vitality, strength, energy, and being an incredible example to those around me. My joy is not dictated by a number,  my joy is found in progression." 

When you chose to shine your spotlight on the things that really matter, then the daily task become enjoyable. All of a sudden your full of gratitude for what you have been given and you find strength to stay consistent with your game plan. 

What is ideal is the ability to have believable goals that you can track and that give the right pulses of where you are on your fitness radar. Lets focus on what matters and lets kick the scale out of the way. Your success is just beyond your comfort zone, push in daily to find out what you are really made of. 

Im cheering you on!!!


  1. This is beyond powerful.. I love you so much and am cheering you on in this blog. ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—


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